Some pictures of Danielle Fischel from Boy Meets World making out with a girl at a party hit the internet last week and that’s when I realized that the wholesome child star who was never all that hot but who was marketed as the hot chick and confused teenage boys into thinking she was hot grew up to bemore fun than most girls I know, but that’s just because the party sluts don’t talk to me and I am stuck with fat chicks and whores who only dyke out of money and when they do dyke out for money it smells because they don’t really take good care of themselves, they are too busy trying to get high.
Danielle Fischel from Boy Meets World was interviewed on some radio station where she shows them her bra and panties, announces her tits size, tells everyone that her pussy is bald, that it looks like a ziploc bag, that she likes drinking and gambling and that her boyfriend when she was 19 used to beat her up. After some research it turns out that she was dating Lance Bass and Corey from Boy Meets World and I figure it could be either of them, since Lance Bass is gay and hates women and since Corey from Boy Meets World is just a miserable fuck who has to live with being Corey from Boy Meets World and doesn’t mind beating up chicks to make him feel like a real man, since for the rest of his life he’s going to be a little gay 12 year old and he knows it.
Either way, listen to the interview, I thought it was a national holiday and I don’t understand why other people are working because it’s fuckin’ up my day off cuz assholes are emailing me to post like I am some kind of dancing monkey and it’s expected while you all sit at home. Fuck you.
The post Topanga From Boy Meets World Talks About Being a Party Slut of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather.